
compas_tno.utilities.apply_selfweight_from_pattern(form, pattern, plot=False, pz_negative=True, tol=0.001)[source]

Apply selfweight to the nodes considering a different Form Diagram to locate loads. Note: the base pattern has to coincide with nodes from the original form diagram.

  • form (FormDiagram) – Form diagram to apply the selfweight.

  • pattern (Mesh) – Mesh in which the forces should be based.

  • plot (bool, optional) – Whether or not plot the diagrams and its overlap, by False

  • pz_negative (bool, optional) – Wether or not the vertical loads are negative by default True.

  • tol (float, optional) – Tolerance for the nodal position match of form and pattern, by default 10e-4.


None – The FormDiagram is modified in place.