
compas_tno.shapes.set_dome_heighfield(center=[5.0, 5.0], radius=5.0, thk=0.3, t=0.0, discretisation=[8, 20], expanded=False)[source]

Height of the dome heighfield

  • center ([float, float], optional) – x, y coordinates of the center of the dome, by default [5.0, 5.0]

  • radius (float, optional) – The radius of the dome, by default 5.0

  • thk (float, optional) – The thickness of the dome, by default 0.30

  • t (float, optional) – Parameter to the lowerbound of the nodes in the boundary, by default 0.0

  • discretisation ([float, float], optional) – Discretisation level for the dome (hoops and meridians), by default [8, 20]

  • expanded (bool, optional) – If should expand 1 row to “close” the dome, by default False


  • intrados (MeshDos) – A MeshDos for the intrados of the shape

  • extrados (MeshDos) – A MeshDos for the extrados of the shape

  • middle (MeshDos) – A MeshDos for the middle of the shape