
class compas_tno.problems.Problem[source]

Bases: object

The Problem class stores the matrices used in the optimisation. These are listed as parameters of the class and described below.



  • q (array(m x 1)) – The vector of force densities

  • m (int) – The number of edges

  • n (int) – The number of vertices

  • nb (int) – The number of fixed vertices

  • E (array(2n x m)) – The horizontal equilibrium matrix

  • C (array(n x m)) – The connectivity matrix

  • Ct (array(m x n)) – The transposed connectivity matrix

  • Ci (array(m x ni)) – The sliced connectivity matrix with regards to the internal vertices

  • Cit (array(ni x m)) – The transpose of Ci

  • Cb (array(nb x m)) – The sliced connectivity matrix with regards to the constrained (support) vertices

  • U (array(m x m)) – The diagonal matrix of coorrdinate differences in the x-direction

  • V (array(m x m)) – The diagonal matrix of coorrdinate differences in the y-direction

  • P (array(n x 3)) – The applied external loads in all nodes

  • free (list) – The list with the index of the free vertices

  • fixed (list) – The list with the index of the fixed vertices

  • phfree (array(ni x 2)) – The applied horizonal loads on the free vertices

  • ph (array(ni x 2)) – A column vector with the the applied horizonal loads on the free vertices

  • lb (array(n x 1)) – The lower-bound (intrados) limit for the nodes

  • ub (array(n x 1)) – The upper-bound (extrados) limit for the nodes

  • lb0 (array(n x 1)) – The lower-bound (intrados) limit for the nodes at the starting point (can be modified if thickness in the objective)

  • ub0 (array(n x 1)) – The upper-bound (extrados) limit for the nodes at the starting point (can be modified if thickness in the objective)

  • s (array(n x 1)) – The middle surface of the nodes

  • X (array(n x 3)) – The nodal position of the vertices of the network

  • x0 (array(n x 1)) – The x-position of the vertices in the network

  • y0 (array(n x 1)) – The y-position of the vertices in the network

  • free_x (list) – index of the vertices free to move in x

  • free_y (list) – index of the vertices free to move in y

  • rol_x (list) – index of the vertices constrained partially on x.

  • rol_y (list) – index of the vertices constrained partially on y.

  • Citx (array) – Connectivity matrix sliced transposed on the vertices free on x.

  • City (array) – Connectivity matrix sliced transposed on the vertices free on y.

  • Cbtx (array) – Connectivity matrix sliced transposed on the vertices partially fixed on x.

  • Cbty (array) – Connectivity matrix sliced transposed on the vertices partially fixed on y.

  • xlimits (array(n x 1)) – Limits on the x-direction in which the nodes can move

  • ylimits (array(n x 1)) – Limits on the y-direction in which the nodes can move

  • qmin (array(m x 1)) – Lower-bounds of the force densities in the edges

  • qmax (array(m x 1)) – Upper-bounds of the force densities in the edges

  • k_i (dict) – key-index dictionary

  • uv_i (dict) – uv-index dictionary

  • i_uv (dict) – index-uv dictionary

  • ind (list) – List with the index of the independent edges

  • k (int) – Number of independents in the problem

  • dep (list) – List with the index of the dependent edges

  • B (array(m x k)) – Matrix transforming the force densities in the independent edges to all force densities



Initialise the problem object form a form diagram.