
classmethod Optimiser.create_compl_energy_optimiser(solver='SLSQP', max_iter=500, printout=False, plot=False, starting_point='loadpath', support_displacement=None, Emethod='simplified')

Create a linear complementary energy optimiser to be sent with instructions to the Analysis.

  • solver (str, optional) – Which solver to use, by default ‘SLSQP’. See Solvers page for more information.

  • printout (bool, optional) – Whether or not prints appear in the creen, by default False

  • plot (bool, optional) – Whether or not plots showing intermediate states appear, by default False

  • max_iter (int, optional) – Maximum number of itetations, by default 500

  • starting_point (str, optional) – Which starting point use, by default ‘loadpath’

  • support_displacement (array [nb x 3], optional) – Vector with the displacement applied to the supports, by default None

  • Emethod (str, optional) – Whether or not internal deformations should be considered, by default ‘simplified’ which considers the material rigid


Optimiser – The Optimiser object