
classmethod FormDiagram.create_delta_form(xy_span=[[0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 10.0]], discretisation=10, delta=0.5, fix='corners')

Helper to construct a FormDiagram based on fan discretiastion with straight lines to the corners.

  • xy_span ([[float, float], [float, float]], optional) – List with initial- and end-points of the vault, by default, by default [[0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 10.0]]

  • discretisation (int, optional) – Set the density of the grid in x and y directions, by default 10

  • lambd (float, optional) – Inclination of the arches in the diagram (0.0 will result in cross and 1.0 in fan diagrams), by default 0.5

  • fix (str, optional) – Option to select the constrained nodes: ‘corners’, ‘all’ are accepted, by default ‘corners’


FormDiagram – The FormDiagram created.