
classmethod FormDiagram.create_circular_spiral_form(center=[5.0, 5.0], radius=5.0, discretisation=[8, 20], r_oculus=0.0)

Construct a circular radial FormDiagram with hoops not equally spaced in plan, but equally spaced with regards to the projection on a hemisphere.

  • center (list, optional) – Planar coordinates of the form-diagram [xc, yc], by default [5.0, 5.0]

  • radius (float, optional) – Radius of the form diagram, by default 5.0

  • discretisation (list, optional) – Number of hoops, and of parallels of the dome form diagram], by default [8, 20]

  • r_oculus (float, optional) – Value of the radius of the oculus, if no oculus is present should be set to zero, by default 0.0


FormDiagram – The FormDiagram created.