- compas_fd.solvers.fd_numpy(*, vertices, fixed, edges, forcedensities, loads=None)
Compute the equilibrium coordinates of a system of vertices connected by edges.
- Parameters:
- verticesFloatNx3
The XYZ coordinates of the vertices.
- fixedlist[int]
The fixed vertices.
- edgeslist[tuple[int, int]]
The edges between the vertices.
- forcedensitieslist[float]
The force densities of the edges.
- loadsFloatNx3, optional
The loads on the vertices.
- Returns:
- Result
>>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh >>> from compas_fd.solvers import fd_numpy
>>> mesh = Mesh.from_meshgrid(dx=10, nx=10)
>>> vertices = mesh.vertices_attributes("xyz") >>> fixed = list(mesh.vertices_where(vertex_degree=2)) >>> edges = list(mesh.edges()) >>> loads = [[0, 0, 0] for _ in range(len(vertices))] >>> q = [1.0] * len(edges)
>>> result = fd_numpy(vertices=vertices, fixed=fixed, edges=edges, forcedensities=q, loads=loads)
>>> all(result.residuals < 1e-6) True >>> all(result.forces > 0) True