- compas_fd.solvers.fd_constrained_numpy(*, vertices, fixed, edges, forcedensities, loads=None, constraints, kmax=100, tol_res=0.001, tol_disp=0.001, damping=0.1, selfweight=None)
Iteratively compute the equilibrium coordinates of a system of vertices connected by edges. Vertex constraints are recomputed at each iteration.
- Parameters:
- verticesFloatNx3
Vertex coordinates.
- fixedlist[int]
Indices of fixed vertices.
- edgeslist[tuple[int, int]]
Edges as pairs of vertex indices.
- forcedensitieslist[float]
Forcedensities of the edges.
- loadsFloatNx3, optional
Loads on the vertices.
- constraintslist[
] Vertex constraints.
- kmaxint, optional
Maximum number of iterations.
- tol_resfloat, optional
Tolerance for the maximum residual force at the non-fixed vertices.
- tol_dispfloat, optional
Tolerance for the maximum displacement of the non-fixed vertices between two iterations.
- dampingfloat, optional
Damping factor for the geometry update of constrained vertices between two iterations.
- selfweightcallable, optional
Function that computes the selfweight of the vertices.
- Returns:
Result of the solver.
See also