3D graphic statics

For further reading on 3D graphic statics, please refer to these publications.

Principle of the equilibrium of polyhedral frames

by William John Macquorn Rankine

    author  = "Rankine, W.J.M.",
    title   = "Principle of the equilibrium of polyhedral frames",
    journal = "Philosophical Magazine Series 4",
    volume  = "27",
    number  = "180",
    pages   = "92",
    year    = "1864"

On the equilibrium of funicular polyhedral frames and convex polyhedral force diagrams

by Masoud Akbarzadeh, Tom Van Mele, Philippe Block

    author  = "Akbarzadeh, M and Van Mele, T and Block, P",
    title   = "On the equilibrium of funicular polyhedral frames and convex polyhedral force diagrams",
    journal = "Computer-Aided Design",
    volume  = "63",
    pages   = "118-128",
    year    = "2015"

The geometry of structural equilibrium

by Allan McRobie

    author     = "{McRobie, Allan",
    title      = "The geometry of structural equilibrium",
    volume     = "4",
    number     = "3",
    year       = "2017",
    publisher  = "The Royal Society",
    journal    = "Royal Society Open Science"