Getting started


Released versions of compas_3gs can be installed with pip. With the desired virtual environment activated, do

$ pip install compas-3gs

You can also install directly from the GitHub repo.

$ pip install git+


If you already have compas_3gs installed and you want to upgrade it to the latest version, do

$ pip install compas-3gs --upgrade


compas_3gs is developed independent of the functionality of CAD software. However, CAD software is still necessary in a computational design environment for visualising and interacting with datastructures and geometrical objects. For the examples presented in this documentation, Rhinoceros is chosen as the CAD software for user interaction and visualisation of script results. For a more detailed information on how to install COMPAS and its packages for Rhino, please refer to Working in Rhino page of the COMPAS documentation.

In order to install compas_3gs for Rhino, do

$ python -m compas_rhino.uninstall
$ python -m compas_rhino.install
$ python -m compas_rhino.install -p compas_3gs

Every time a new file is opened in Rhino, be sure to reset the Python Scritp Engine before running scripts.

First Steps