
compas_tno.utilities.diagram_of_multiple_thrust(thicknesses, solutions, legends, simplified=True, limit_state=True, colors=None, xy_limits=None, GSF_ticks=False, fill=False, show_legend=True, save=None, markers=None)[source]

Plot a diagram of Thrusts based on the collected data on (m) problems each with (n) points.

  • thicknesses (list of lists [[n],[m]]) – Points with discretised solutions for minimum/maximum thrust.

  • solutions (list of lists [[n],[m]]) – Adimensional thrust over weight for minimum/maximum thrust.

  • legends (list) – A list with the name of each data entry

  • simplified (bool, optional) – If yes, the maximum and minimum thrust series have the same color. The default value is True.

  • limit_state (bool, optional) – If yes, it interpolates the limit_state based on the two last solutions. The default value is True.

  • colors (list, optional) – If added, this define the HEX color for each of the diagrams to plot. The default value is True.

  • xy_limits (list of lists, optional) – Freezes the axis of the graphs. The default value is None in which case these limits are calculated automarically

  • GSF_ticks (bool, optional) – Add the ticks regarding the GSF to the top axis. The default value is False.

  • fill (bool, optional) – If yes, it fills bewteen the curves of min and max. The default value is False.

  • show_legend (bool, optional) – Defines if the legend is plotted in the graph. The default value is True.

  • markers (list, optional) – If added, this define the markers for each diagram. The default value is True.

  • save (str, optional) – Path to save the graph. The default value is False.


obj – Plotter object.