
compas_tno.utilities.assign_cracks(form, dx=[[0.5, 0.55]], dy=[[- 0.1, 0.1]], type=['top'])[source]

Assign cracks on a form diagram to the nodes desired

  • form (FormDiagram) – ForceDiagram to constraint

  • dx (list, optional) – List of the range on the x-coordinates of the nodes to be constrained, by default [[0.50, 0.55]]

  • dy (list, optional) – List of the range on the y-coordinates of the nodes to be constrained, by default [[-0.1, 0.1]]

  • type (list, optional) – List with the type of constraint to applye to the vertices (top or bottom), by default [‘top’]


form (FormDiagram) – ForceDiagram with the constraints in attribute ‘cracks’.