
compas_tno.shapes.dome_heightfields_proxy(center=[5.0, 5.0], radius=5.0, thk=0.3, t=5.0, discretisation=[8, 20], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Function that computes the highfield of a dome through the proxy

  • center ([float, float], optional) – xy-span of the pattern, by default [[0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 10.0]]

  • thk (float, optional) – The thickness of the vault, by default 0.5

  • tol (float, optional) – Tolerance, by default 10e-6

  • t (float, optional) – Parameter for lower bound in nodes in the boundary, by default 0.0

  • discretisation (list|int, optional) – LEvel of discretisation of the shape, by default [100, 100]


  • intradosdata – Data to a Mesh for the intrados of the pattern

  • extradosdata – Data to a Mesh for the extrados of the pattern

  • middledata – Data to a Mesh for the middle of the pattern