
compas_tno.problems.initialize_loadpath(form, problem=None, find_inds=False, solver_convex='CVXPY', printout=False)[source]

Built-in function to optimise the loadpath considering diagram fixed projection. Note: This function will select the most appropriate solver (CVX or MOSEK)

  • form (FormDiagram) – The form diagram to compute the loadpath

  • problem (Problem, optional) – The problem classs with the matrices relevant of the problem, by default None

  • find_inds (bool, optional) – If independents need to be found before the loadpath computation, by default False

  • solver_convex (str, optional) – Solver to compute the convex optimisation, by default CVXPY

  • printout (bool, optional) – If prints about the optimisation data should appear in the screen, by default False


problem (Problem) – The class with the main matrices of the problem