

Construct an assembly data structure of a cross-vault that can be used for equilibrium calculations, generation of fabrication data, or assembly simulationos. We construct the assembly from a list oof meshes representing the blocks. The JSON file containing the meshes is available here: crossvault.json.

import compas
import compas_assembly
from compas_assembly.datastructures import Assembly
from compas_assembly.datastructures import Block
from compas_assembly.algorithms import assembly_interfaces
from compas_assembly.viewer import DEMViewer

meshes = compas.json_load(compas_assembly.get("crossvault.json"))

assembly = Assembly()
for mesh in meshes:
    block = mesh.copy(cls=Block)

assembly_interfaces(assembly, nmax=20, tmax=1e-3, amin=1e-2)

# =============================================================================
# Viz
# =============================================================================

viewer = DEMViewer()